Finding your new favorite pair of shoes likely means shopping for your favorite brands. Discover all the top shoe brands sold at Victoria’s Secret. We source the highest quality and trendiest footwear from UGG , Crocs , Sorel , Birkenstock , PUMA , Steve Madden , and more. Shop the selection for boots, sandals, sneakers, and other must-haves.
If you’re looking for that perfect pair of shoes to wear for everything from running errands to shopping with friends, look no further than our collection of comfortable and supportive women’s sneakers. We also offer a wide variety of slip-on shoes like the ever-popular Croc, an excellent alternative to sneakers or trainers, delivering all the comfort without skimping on style.
Everyone loves cozy slippers, and Victoria’s Secret offers a wide variety of choices, including UGG Tasman Slippers. Explore our entire collection of slippers, sandals & slides to find the perfect pair for any occasion and every season. Create laidback styles by piecing easy-to-slip on shoes with leggings, boyfriend jeans, cardigans, crewnecks, and more.
When the temperature starts to drop, a quality pair shoes can make (or break) your experience on campus. Explore our collection of warm boots, including the super popular mini UGGs. Pair with comfy pajamas , lounge sets , and leggings for an extra cozy look.