Beyond the Bra: Victoria’s Secret Models Share Stories of Self-Love and Empowerment

We asked the inspirational women of our newly relaunched, #1 collection photo shoot to talk all things bras, body, and just being you.

“My body has gotten me here. It’s given support to the people I love, helped people I loved, comforted people I love. I think that, in itself, makes me love it.”
“This bra makes me feel like I almost don’t have anything on. That’s what I really like about it. I’m just free.”

“Yo usaría estos brasieres con todo tipo de ropa por que son muy cómodos. Tanto con bodies, camisas holgadas, lo utilizaría con todo.”
I would wear this bra with everything because it’s so comfortable, could be bodysuits, loose shirts—really I’d wear it with everything.
“Just get up in the morning every day, do you, be you, and just do what you want. Honestly, just be at ease, be free.”

“In a bra, I look for comfort and I look for security.”